You will be advised on your date for surgery.  Once this is confirmed, you will be sent your information pack a few weeks prior to the surgical date.

The information pack will include

·      A cover letter confirming the day of your surgery

·      Hospital Registration forms

·      Anaesthetic Questionnaire

·      A surgical consent form


Please complete the Hospital and Anaesthetic forms and return them to the hospital and to Epsom Anaesthetic Group.


Please bring the consent form on the day of surgery.



Please bring any xrays and scans with you to hospital and remember to take them home again on discharge



A follow up appointment will be made for you at the time your surgery is booked. The appointment card will be given to you prior to discharge from hospital. Please check the location of the follow up appointment carefully. Should the appointment time or location be inconvenient, please contact the office staff to see whether the appointment can be changed.


ACC Medical Certificate

Please confirm on the day of surgery if a medical certificate is required for ACC surgery.


Should you have any queries please contact Brendan’s rooms on 5232764